Friday, November 06, 2009

Friday, October 09, 2009

Caricature Practice

Spent the evening drawing from Mark Simon book "Facial Expressions". My goal is to have my own booth setup in the mall where I live by Chris mas of next year doing caricatures. Now for this to happen I need to draw everyday from this reference book and other sources but more importantly I need to draw from life or rather figure drawing classes.I'm placing the ref photo next to the drawing for you to decide if I captured there likeness or not.


Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Bobby Chius Artcast

this is tonight's art cast picture from Bobby Chiu's art cast challenge. The topic was superhero creature. I painted this very fast in photo shop using only the mouse. and I like it for what it is and that is forcing myself to work with color with a time limit. I had to post it as is or I wouldn't been able to post it for voting. no one voted for it but that's okay because the more I do the better I'll get.


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Doodle dump

I know I haven't posted her in along time but this should fix that.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Sometimes at lunch I try to draw the cars sitting in the parkinglot to gett better at drawing all types of things.


Monday, June 15, 2009

Sketch Dump

Trying to make a cartoon avatar of myself and these are some of the rejects
I have to admit I'm having fun working on this, at first it frustrated me because the sketches weren't looking like me and I seem to have trouble drawing mustaches but I picked one that I like and now am cleaning it up so I can paint it in photoshop.


Sunday, May 31, 2009

SketchBook Dump

Some pages from my pocket sketchbook. Working on my goal to fill a sketchbook each month. I've succeeded only once in doing this but the real goal of this is to just keep drawing each day. here are some still lifes and a self portrait I did while waiting in the car for my wife.


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Those Damn Birds

Talked to my sister awhile back and she told me that she keep hearing two birds outside her bedroom window, chirping and making a racket. This is a doodle I did from her story.


Thursday, April 23, 2009

Doodle Dump

Been awhile since i thrown anything up here so heres some doodles that are worthy of the wastbasket.


Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Been awhile folks and it was good today to just doodle in my pocket sketchbook today. these are some of the better scribbles.


Tuesday, March 03, 2009


I spent this past sunday at home drawing and these are some of the better peices I did. My shading is still horroable. but only way to get better is by drawing.

Sorry for the bad pics the originals are to big for my scanner.